This tutorial will show various samples of using SqlCeCmd, which is available at – sqlcecmd is the “equivalent” of sqlcmd for the full SQL Server product.
The series will be in three parts, the first one demonstrates how to manage entire database files, the second how to create database objects and insert/update data, the third relating to querying data.
To get information about usage
Simply type “sqlcecmd” at the command prompt:

Notice that the –d parameter is always required. It is a SQL Compact connection string as documented here:
To create a new database file with default settings
sqlcecmd –d “Data Source=C:\test.sdf” –e create
To create a new database file with password and case sensitivity
-d "Data Source=C:\test.sdf;Case Sensitive=True;Password=p"
-e create
To upgrade a version 3.0/3.1 database file to 3.5 format
sqlcecmd -d "Data Source=C:\Northwind.sdf" -e upgrade
To compact a database file
sqlcecmd -d "Data Source=C:\Northwind.sdf" -e compact
Similarly you can shrink or repair a database file, with the shrink, repairdelete and repairrecover options.
To change database options
You can change the following four database options on an existing database: Change password, Change encryption mode, Change locale id, Change case sensitivity
Possible values for encryption mode are:
engine default or platform default or ppc2003 compatibility
-d "Data Source=C:\test.sdf;Case Sensitive=True;Password=p"
-z "Data Source=;Encryption Mode=ppc2003 compatibility;Case Sensitive=false"
To drop a database
del c:\test.sdf
Stay tune for the next part, creating and modifying database objects.