Tuesday, November 27, 2012

SQL Server Compact Toolbox 3.1.1 with support for Windows Phone 8 and VS 2012 released

Just a short note to let you know, that the SQL Server Compact Toolbox add-in has been updated beginning of this month to support the following new features:

Generation of a LINQ to SQL DataContext for Windows Phone 8 projects in Visual Studio 2012. (Like Windows Phone 7.5, Windows Phone 8 supports a so-called “Local Database”, which is a SQL Server Compact Database accessible only via LINQ to SQL). This feature will allow you to generate a Phone specific DataContext, I have blogged about this earlier as you can see under the heading ErikEJ on this page. 


In addition, the Toolbox is now able to use sqlmetal.exe on “clean” Windows 8 systems, with only Visual Studio 2012 Pro or higher installed.

Also note, that the Toolbox supports SQL Server Compact 3.5 database files even under VS 2012, despite the fact, that the VS 2012 Server Explorer no longer supports SQL Server Compact 3.5 (this requires the SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 desktop MSI to be installed, of course – download from here.


Unknown said...

I need to convert a (localDb)\v11.0 db to Compact 4.0. The VS2012 addin doesn't seem to support this (toolbox wont launch without a Compact connection). Will your older command line tools work with the new database format to do the downgrade?

ErikEJ said...

The Toolbox should be able to do that, have you tried right click on the root node? Or maube try 3.2 Alpha build?

Unknown said...

I opened another project that does have a Compact database and was able to open the toolbox. Now I can get the "Script Server Database...Data". Which gives me the Data Link Properties. Using "(LocalDb)\v11.0" as the server name with Integrated security I get a Test connection failed because of an error in the initializing provider.[DBNETLIB]ConnectionOpen(Connect().]SQL Server does not exit or access denied.

ErikEJ said...

Paul: Interesting, I will test it. Do you have .NET 4.0.3 installed? You are running Vs 2012? Can you connect to localdb via Server Explorer?

Unknown said...

This is a Win8 machine with VS 2012 with updates. I can connect to localdb via Server Explorer from any project. I can only launch ToolBox from a project that has a CE database. ToolBox can explore and edit this CE 4.0 great. In this same project I can use Server Explorer to connect to any localdb's it has. If I attempt to connect to localdb through the the ToolBox I get the error I posted up. This localdb is actually an Azure SQLdb which I've copied (SQLAzureMW .. fabulous program!). I can connect to the AzureDb and Toolbox generates a beefy .sqlce for me! So I think I've got a path to get my Ce 4.0. Be glad to try anything to get the localdb connect to work.

ErikEJ said...

Paul: Can we take the further discussion of the by email or via the CodePlex issue tracker, we will get it to Work, I am sure. Launching the Toolbox is not project related, so I do not understand that issue, the Toolbox lives on it own, just like Server Explorer does.

ErikEJ said...

Paul: I got it to work: Type (localdb)\v11.0 in the Server Name, type the database name, and just click ok, no Test button. I will post a guide in a blog post soon.

Unknown said...

Excellent ... I have a script!!
thanks a million for all your help.
this is going to make my life much easier...