Wednesday, April 29, 2015

SQL Server Compact ADO.NET data access performance – part 2: INSERTs

In this second part of this series, I will show by examples how to use the two available ADO.NET APIs in the SQL Server Compact ADO.NET provider for INSERTing data. I will also show some informal performance measurements, but keep in mind that your scenario may give different results.

In the sample solution, I will create a data access library for maintaining the following table, which you could be imagine could be used in a caching library:

CREATE TABLE CacheElement (
    [Key] uniqueidentifier NOT NULL,
    Tag NVARCHAR(4000) NULL,
    Value image NOT NULL,
    ExpirationAt DATETIME NOT NULL);

ALTER TABLE [CacheElement]
    ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_CacheElement] PRIMARY KEY ([Key]);

This table will represent the following class:

public class CacheElement
    public Guid Key { get; set; }
    public string Tag { get; set; }
    public Byte[] Value { get; set; }
    public DateTime CreatedAt { get; set; }
    public DateTime ExpirationAt { get; set; }

I will implement the following interface methods in the two possible ways, and then compare implementation and timings, by calling the library from a Unit test project:

    public interface IDataAccess
        void InsertElement(CacheElement element);
        void InsertElements(List<CacheElement> elements);

(I will add methods and implement further in the upcoming blog posts)

First let us look at the implementation of the T-SQL based INSERT, using best practices with explicit parameters (in the ClassicDal class) :

public void InsertElement(CacheElement element)
    using (var command = _connection.CreateCommand())
        command.Parameters.Add("Key", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = element.Key;
        command.Parameters.Add("Value", SqlDbType.Image).Value = element.Value;
        command.Parameters.Add("CreatedAt", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = element.CreatedAt;
        command.Parameters.Add("ExpirationAt", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = element.ExpirationAt;
        if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(element.Tag))
            command.Parameters.Add("Tag", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 4000).Value = DBNull.Value;
            command.Parameters.Add("Tag", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 4000).Value = element.Tag;

        command.CommandText = @"INSERT INTO CacheElement
            (@Key, @Tag, @Value, @CreatedAt, @ExpirationAt)";

For all tests, I am using best practices for SQL Compact connection handling, and passing an already open connection. This avoids measuring the overhead of loading the SQL Compact engine DLL files, and opening the database file. Notice that for NULLable values, special handling has to be made.

Now lets us look at the implementation that uses the “raw” APIs for INSERTs (in the RawDAL class) :

public void InsertElement(CacheElement element)
    using (var command = _connection.CreateCommand())
        command.CommandType = CommandType.TableDirect;
        command.CommandText = "CacheElement";
        using (var resultSet = command.ExecuteResultSet(ResultSetOptions.Updatable))
            SqlCeUpdatableRecord record = resultSet.CreateRecord();
            record.SetGuid(0, element.Key);
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(element.Tag))
                record.SetValue(1, DBNull.Value);
                record.SetString(1, element.Tag);
            record.SetBytes(2, 0, element.Value, 0, element.Value.Length);
            record.SetDateTime(3, element.CreatedAt);
            record.SetDateTime(4, element.ExpirationAt);

Notice the following special pattern: Setting the CommandType to TableDirect, the CommandText is the table name, we use the CreateRecord() method to get a SqlCeUpdateableRecord with “slots” that match our table columns. You have to know the exact “ordinal position” of your columns, you can get that by scripting a CREATE TABLE statement with my Toolbox, or inspecting the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS table. There are typed SetXxx methods that must match the datatype of your columns. Finally, call the Insert method to add the “record”.

In the sample code, I have also implemented methods to insert many rows in a single method invocation, thus saving the overhead of recreating a number of objects for each INSERT. This is similar to the way I insert data with my SqlCeBulkCopy library.

First the timings for a single INSERT: Raw: 31 ms, Classic: 29 ms – hardly any difference. Then 1000 single INSERTs, minimal object reuse: Raw: 2548 ms, Classic: 1936 – in this case not any advantage of the raw api. Then finally 1000 INSERTs, maximum object reuse: Raw: 73 ms, Classic: 354 ms. A significant difference, if that is a pattern you have in your application, ie inserting many rows in a single call.

You can download the code sample from here, and stay tune for the next installment: SELECT (using SetRange and Seek)

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